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The companies that make up “Comunità Pratica” have chosen to support the “STEM in Gender” project from the University of Brescia, which will consist of two actions. The first initiative, designed by the Aps Chirone and named Ipazia, introduces students to key figures in the history of science, highlighting their most significant biographical traits and ...


For some time, there has been a need to act in order to promote gender inclusivity in Science and to rebalance the presence of women in careers and professions related to Scientific and Technological Disciplines. For this reason, Comunità Pratica has proudly supported the project promoted by the University of Brescia, in collaboration with Aps ...


We are proud to have supported “Riflessi Consapevoli”, a unique photographic exhibition within the FORLIFE project. This exhibition showcased the moments of work and commitment experienced by three social cooperatives – Bessimo ONLUS Cooperative, Gaia Social Cooperative ONLUS, and La Fontana Cooperative – during the recovery of waste materials from the involved companies, including us ...

05.06.2024 World Environment Day

On the occasion of World Environment Day, celebrated every year on June 5th since 1972, Euro Steel wishes to highlight the importance of environmental protection for future generations. This day, born from the United Nations Conference in Stockholm, has established the collective responsibility in protecting and improving the environment. In 2024, World Environment Day, hosted ...

27.05.2024 Our company vegetable garden

We are excited to share a special announcement from Euro Steel: we are setting up our company vegetable garden! With great enthusiasm, we are dedicating ourselves to creating a green space where we can cultivate fresh fruits and vegetables. This project not only promotes a healthy lifestyle, but also allows us to strengthen the sense ...

04.05.2024 Multisensory Museum for Courageous Minds di Bambini in Braille!

We are truly proud to announce our participation as a sponsor in the extraordinary project and opening that took place on Saturday, May 4th of the Multisensory Museum for Brave Minds di Bambini in Braille! It has been an honor to be involved in this incredible effort to create an inclusive and stimulating place for ...

24.04.2024 Vittoria Alata Reciclart

We are extremely proud to share with you a significant initiative that Euro Steel was involved in recently. We had the honor of funding the “Vittoria Alata Reciclart” project, an extraordinary project that combines art, sustainability and solidarity in a single inspiring vision. The project, developed by Isinnova in collaboration with the Brescia Musei Foundation, ...

19.04.2024 Training course on the use of a defibrillator

We are pleased to inform you that on Friday, April 19th, at Euro Steel, we held a course on the use of defibrillators, conducted excellently by a trainer from Areu for Farco Srl. It was a valuable moment in which some of our staff had the opportunity to acquire skills to ensure the safety of ...

9.04.2024 From emotional dependence to healthy love

We at Euro Steel are pleased to inform you about the meeting that will take place today, April 9th at 8:45 pm, in collaboration with the Municipal Library of Roncadelle, where we are the sponsors of the event. The event, titled “From emotional dependence to healthy love,” will feature the renowned psychologist Dr. Ameya Gabriella ...

05.04.2024 Il Sesso Inutile

We cannot thank you enough for the sold-out of this event that took place on April 5th! We are thrilled to have been partners in this initiative dedicated to non-violence against women, with the extraordinary Valeria Solarino giving voice to ” Il Sesso Inutile”, a powerful story taken from Oriana Fallaci’s Reportage. Her words were ...

31.03.2024 Happy Easter to everyone from the Euro Steel Team!

This year, we have decided to celebrate in a special way, embracing not only the joy of Easter, but also the spirit of solidarity. We have chosen to purchase our Easter eggs and sweets from the Children in Braille Association, which we have always supported, because we believe in the importance of supporting initiatives that ...

18.03.2024 Global Recycling Day!

On March 18th, it is a special day as we celebrate World Recycling Day! At Euro Steel, we are driven by the belief that recycling is not just an option, but an imperative necessity for a sustainable future. We are extremely proud to be a reference in promoting responsible business practices that actively contribute to ...

12.03.2024 Zero environmental impact furnishings

At Euro Steel, respect for the environment is a top priority. We are excited to share that we have adopted zero environmental impact furnishings in our commercial office, thanks to our collaboration with NARDI Mobili In Cartone! This modern and imaginative touch not only reflects our commitment to sustainability, but also fills us with pride ...

10.03.2024 SKIN MOLES Small Details

Euro Steel has always been committed to the safety and value of its employees, and of course, this also includes their health. We are proud to announce that Euro Steel is one of the 11 companies in Brescia that have decided to join a screening program for employees, with the goal of ensuring their safety, ...

07.03.2024 Euro Steel is giving a new life to its offices!

We are truly excited today because we are transforming the working environments at our headquarters with an innovative paint that goes beyond aesthetics. Our new paint not only adds a fresh touch to the spaces, but also has a positive impact on the environment and the health of our employees. Extraordinary eco-friendly features: our paint, ...

05.03.2024 Happy Birthday BIB!

Today we join in the celebrations for the ninth anniversary of the Association Bambini in Braille! Indeed, we are proud to have always supported their inclusive projects, the numerous workshops and the various activities that promote accessibility and integration for all children. Euro Steel will continue to support them in their important work for a ...

01.03.2024 We are promoting sustainability and well-being of employees: The eco-friendly initiatives at Euro Steel

At Euro Steel, we are committed not only to protecting the environment through our work, but also to making our office a healthier and more sustainable place for all our employees. Every week, we offer fresh fruits and vegetables to promote a healthy lifestyle and keep energy levels high. Additionally, we have installed a charging ...

29.02.2024 Benefits of Recycling Metal Waste: Euro Steel’s Perspective

Recycling metal waste offers a wide range of environmental benefits that have been not only our strength for over 15 years, but above all, our working philosophy. We explain some key points to understand what we do and what our green principles are: Reduction of environmental pollution: Less extraction of natural resources: Recycling reduces the ...

23.02.2024 Training on workplace safety for everyone!

Today was an important day at Euro Steel! A safety course was held involving all employees, thanks to the valuable collaboration with Farco, a leading company in this sector. Work safety is an absolute priority and this initiative reflects our constant commitment to the well-being of everyone within our large team.

16.02.2024 “Miss, I would like to speak to the engineer” – Women in STEM: voices, successes, and connections.

Euro Steel with Comunità Pratica actively participated in the National Week of STEM disciplines! On February 9th, the meeting “Signorina vorrei parlare con l’ingegnere” – Donne in STEM: voci, successi e connessioni (“Miss, I would like to speak to the engineer” – Women in STEM: voices, successes, and connections), took place at the Faculty of ...

16.02.2024 The Green challenge of transportation: The role of Euro Steel in selecting eco-friendly suppliers

The transport sector plays a significant role in environmental impact, with mobility in Europe greatly affecting energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This reality requires immediate action to mitigate the negative effects on the environment and urban air quality. To tackle this challenge, ambitious goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector have ...

14.02.2024 Happy Valentine’s Day

It seems that someone has decided to fill our office with love today, with a floral and unexpected touch for Valentine’s Day… Maybe they were trying to soften someone’s “metallic” heart? Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!

12.02.2024 Happy Easter 2024!

Our company firmly believes in the importance of supporting social inclusion initiatives. For this reason, again this year, on the occasion of Easter 2024, Euro Steel confirms its support for its beloved association: Bambini in Braille, which sustains blind and visually impaired children and young people and their families nationwide… creating a community for which ...

01.02.2024 We explain our customised service

That our company is actively engaged in the valorisation of metal scrap, it is by now a known thing. What you may not know is that this process also goes through a real personalised scrap packaging service. In fact, we recycle what’s leftover, we subject it to a careful preparation according to customer specifications (including ...

26.01.2024 Special Occasions!

We always used to celebrate our birthdays together… January 26th was such a special day at the office! We celebrated our CEO’s birthday. A special occasion to share smiles and carefree moments, proving that work can also be fun. In this joyful spirit, as usual, we opted to embrace sustainability using eco-sustainable glasses to make ...

17.01.2024 Ladies and gentlemen welcome to our first sustainability report!

We are proud and excited to announce the imminent publication of our first Sustainability Report relative to the year 2022. As a company that deals with trading metal scrap and semi-finished products in special alloys, the heart of all our work is specifically oriented to circular economy. Consequently, our achievements help to create a better ...

25.11.2023 New trees in Euro Steel for the implementation of the “Il Bosco Di Lorenzo” project.

On Saturday 25th November, Euro Steel, joined Lega Ambiente volunteers, in the realisation of  Il Bosco Di Lorenzo project.  

27.11.2023 Invisible Women: Challenging Prejudices and Gender Stereotypes

On November 27th there will be a round table entitled “Invisible Women: Challenging Prejudices and Gender Stereotypes“, at 5.30 pm at Brescia Engeneering University. We will exchange different points of view coming from the world of university, mass media, industry and institutions, you all are invited. Euro Steel is part of the “Comunità Pratica”, born ...

14.11.2023 A sweet Christmas with “Bambini in Braille”

Euro Steel supports Bambini in Braille with the purchase of Panettoni and Pandori! Help us and support them! Let’s make it a sweeter Christmas for everyone!

07.11.2023 – Let’s bringh our animals to the office

Since we can’t realize, for now, the dream of a Company puppy; we would like to invite whoever wanted it, to bring his ouwn furry friend, to the office, for a day. Today little Mimì is with us.

28.10.2023 – “Il silenzio delle donne violate ha molto da dire” – “The silence of raped women has a lot to say” – A story between music and theater

Euro Steel stands against violence on women and sponsors a show organized by the Municipality of Roncadelle on 28 October 2023 in order to to raise awareness among the audience on this very urgent issue.  

22.10.2023 – “Giornale di Brescia” – Brescia newspaper

Society and environment, Brescia implements the Comunità Pratica network. Eleven companies have already joined the project which is inspired by the Olivetti business model.

10.10.2023 – From Olivetti to a so called “Comunità Pratica”

Eleven companies from Brescia carry on the cultural legacy of the entrepreneur who dreamed of a factory on a human scale.

27.05.2023 – Art therapy for team building

Euro Steel with the collaboration of Bambini in Braille APS, caring about the welfare of the employees, decided to take advantage of Art Therapy projects for prevention and treatment of work-related stress, to harmonize the relational dynamics in the work teams, increase staff’s creative thinking skills, pursue goals of working well-being., “Coming together is a ...

27.04.2023 – Euro Steel supports the project “Baule Rosso”

EURO STEEL SRL is honoured to invite you to the inauguration of the new project “Io ti ascolto” (“I listen to you”): an exhibition of poems dedicated to Monia Delpero, murdered by her ex-boyfriend at the young age of 19. A red trunk filled with solidarity as a mean of dissemination against violence on women. ...

20.07.2023 – Euro Steel at FUTURA EXPO in Brixia forum

We are excited to announce that Euro Steel will participate in 2023 edition of FUTURA Expo, hosted in Brescia, at Brixia Forum, from 8-10 October 2023. “Futura Expo – Economia x l’Ambiente” is an event dedicated, among others, to topics such as energy efficiency, circular economy, innovation, work. A great opportunity to meet many of ...