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Euro Steel business philosophy is guided by the 3Ps principle: Planet, People & Profit. A sustainable approach that does not renounce to Profit, but focuses on respect for the Planet and for People.

When a company manages to turn waste material into a resource, creates benefit for the community and the environment. Safeguarding the planet by recovering and reusing what already exists means working for a better future. For everyone.

Sustainability Report 2022

As modern alchemists of special alloys, we have committed ourselves – and we are committed – to making our planet an even more precious place each and every day.
Who would have thought that transforming industrial waste could eventually be so thrilling?

We are proud to present to you our first Sustainability Report relative to the year 2022, where colour green is the true protagonist for a future brighter than ever before.

logo comunità pratica

Practical Community: Enterprises Leading Change

We are a group made up of business entities that have decided to collaborate in order to create a positive impact on the communities in which they live, through the implementation of projects and initiatives focused on sustainable development, both environmentally, socially and culturally.
We believe in a world where collaboration and sharing of knowledge and information are the fundamental pillars for creating long-term value.

philosophy to be sustainable


Euro Steel Srl adopts responsible choices in terms of safeguarding the planet paying particular attention to sustainability in every action. From production processes to office furniture, respecting the environment is what directs our choices and guides our company.

ethical by choice


The experience that Euro Steel gained in the field of scrap metal trading has made it increasingly aware and attentive of environmental issues.

Choosing local suppliers and optimizing our processes, we are committed to ensuring the best highest quality possible with minimal environmental impact.