05.06.2024 World Environment Day

image 05.06.2024 World Environment Day

On the occasion of World Environment Day, celebrated every year on June 5th since 1972, Euro Steel wishes to highlight the importance of environmental protection for future generations. This day, born from the United Nations Conference in Stockholm, has established the collective responsibility in protecting and improving the environment.

In 2024, World Environment Day, hosted by Saudi Arabia, focuses on land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience, with the slogan “Our Earth. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration.”

Environmental protection is a pillar of the 2030 Agenda, which dedicates Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 to themes such as sustainable forest management, combating desertification, soil degradation, and biodiversity loss.

The soil is essential for life on Earth, supporting both agricultural land and natural areas. However, current production and consumption models threaten environmental sustainability, with over a fifth of the Earth’s surface already degraded. Phenomena such as drought and desertification are increasing, requiring urgent and collective interventions!

The knowledge needed to slow down environmental degradation exists, but it is crucial to act promptly. Globally, the United Nations aims to regenerate about 1 billion hectares of soil, with significant projects in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

World Environment Day reminds us that we can act today to regenerate degraded areas and prevent future disasters. Communities and individuals can do a lot:

Sustainable agriculture: Promote organic cultivation that preserves soil health, retains water, and reduces erosion. Utilize food waste as compost.

Water management: Collect rainwater to hydrate the soil during emergencies and raise awareness about soil and groundwater pollution.

Urban areas: Reduce environmental footprint with green oases and urban gardens for sustainable food production.

Individual choices can make a difference. The collective commitment of individuals, governments, and businesses is essential for the environmental change that the planet needs now.

Environmental issues concern us all. We have only one Earth.

In the photo, an image of a petrochemical valve in F6NM.