07.03.2024 Euro Steel is giving a new life to its offices!

image 07.03.2024 Euro Steel is giving a new life to its offices!

We are truly excited today because we are transforming the working environments at our headquarters with an innovative paint that goes beyond aesthetics.

Our new paint not only adds a fresh touch to the spaces, but also has a positive impact on the environment and the health of our employees.

Extraordinary eco-friendly features: our paint, KEIM Ecosil-ME, is not only high quality, but is designed with revolutionary characteristics. Thanks to its advanced formulation, it is capable of absorbing smog, thus helping to improve the indoor and outdoor air quality.

High resistance and regulatory compliance: KEIM Ecosil-ME does not disappoint when it comes to resistance and compliance with regulations. It strictly complies with the DIN EN 13 300 standard for indoor use and meets the requirements of the DIN 18363 par. 2.4.1 standard for silicate dispersion paints.

In short, prestigious certifications! Indeed, KEIM Ecosil-ME is Cradle to Cradle Certified Silver and has obtained the Gold Material Health Certificate™. These certifications further demonstrate our commitment to sustainability and the health of our work environments.

Join us on this journey towards a healthier and more sustainable environment.